Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Laughter is the shortest distance btw two people – victor borge

I read that quote once, a long time ago. Guess when I was 16 yrs old. I came across this particular stainless steel bookmark in Borders. I bought it and was once wanted to give it to my bf, which is now is my ex, straightly speaking. I didn't manage to give it to him at the end of the day, out of no reason. However, i still keep it with me till now. I didn't exactly know why i love this quote so much, but it just stuck in my head. I am not those people who can laugh out loud all the time, especially in the public, in fact, i'll just give a little smile. Was once, my fren told me that it is sad that i don't laugh even if i find something is just so hilarious. Well, maybe sometimes i jus have to agree that we should never take life seriously as nobody gets out alive anyway. =) As time passes, i finally understand something about myself, actually i really hate argument. Maybe i'm just a bit too boyish, whereby many guys don't really like arguments too. They will usually just ignore and pretend as if nothing happen, just to make things a little less awkward. Well, dat's exactly what i will do too. I dunno whether it's a right move, but at least it makes me feel better and things just get easier to work out when there's less tension and quarrel involve in between.
Strictly speaking, I do agree that laughter is the shortest distance between two people. At times, I really wanted to laugh out so badly, but I just can’t. I’ve no idea why I can’t let it out. Is it due to image and reputation to maintain? Come on, what are all these shits? What is wrong with me? Well and then, I finally find out; I’m just being myself. Forthrightly, I’m not pretending nor acting to be cool. It’s just me. So JOANNE YIM!! I already got so used to be such. But believe it or not, once I’m keyed up or when in a freaking excited mood, I’ll just be another me, “Soh yim”, the side-splitting and hilarious part of me. You can see me acting in that way when I’m in the club. But again, I’m not a slut.

Well, commitment seems to be the furthest between two people. This is mainly because everyone is instinctively unique. For God knew what He is doing when He made the very first human prototypes. He created us; male and female, in different by design and decision. Our strengths and weaknesses dovetail and merge through a divinely inspired plan. This is especially true in a strong relationship with your another half. When you are speculating and conjecturing in dismay and mumble, “Why do you act that way?” realize that God created the two of you to complement each other. Your differences add flame and uniqueness to your relationship. Capitalize on the prospect that the whole is much superior than the sum of its parts. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my should knoweth right well. PSALM 139:14 KVJ.

Arguments will only bring dissatisfaction and displeasure to the relationship instead of deeper understanding and appreciation as it spoils the romance, for romance is the flame that keeps love alive. Compromise makes it easier for two people to become one. A great relationship brings together two independent and different individuals, and makes them one, whereby the spirits become intertwined and tangled so closely that they become one entity. Somehow, it’s just not easy, so much commitment involved in between.

1 comment:

  1. wow, its really hard to search for ur blog... it took me 2 days ... :) yim, if next time whenver u feel unhappy , tell me.
